
Amelia Verderosa
New Paltz, NY
Class of 2024
Kimmy Cushman Profile
Baldwinsville, NY
Class of 2017
Mack Culpepper
Assistant Professor, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Gianna Doughitt
Class of Class of 2024
Poughkeepsie, NY
Ethan Chichester
Richmondville, NY
Class of 2023
Community Engagement Lead at Silver Lining Marketing
Allen Kariyakarawana
Staten Island, NY
Class of 2024
Samantha Martin
Howes Cave, NY
Class of 2023
Izabella Lokshina
Kirstie Kemmerer
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Mallory Kerman
Los Angeles
Class of 2018
Lead Tailor and Embroidery Artist
Kiara Pipino
Assistant Professor of Acting, Directing and Movement
Sierra Estevez
Staten Island, NY
Class of 2022
Advocacy Coordinator at CoverGirl & Rimmel
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