
Ryan Berkowitz
Selden, NY
Class of 2023
Annacleta Chiweshe stands between a rack of dresses and a dress form
Associate Professor of Fashion and Textiles
Snapper Petta
Outdoor Adventure Program director (retired)
Rie Yamakawa
Class of 2000
Office Manager and Executive Assistant, Intertek Alchemy
Noah Rakoski
Class of 2007
Head of West Coast Label Relations YouTube Music at Google
Cassie Treen
Class of 2009
Project Manager – Swag Producer, Chobani
Julia “Goolia”
Class of Class of 2012
YouTube personality
Cooper Levine
Plainview, NY
Class of 2023
Scott Harris
Oceanside, NY
Class of 2006
Erika Scire
Farmingdale, NY
Class of 2019
Campus Recruiting Coordinator at Perella Weinberg Partners
Dakota Bailey
Kingston, NY
Class of 2018
Full time - Senior GIS Analyst of Operations, American Tower Corporation; Part time - GIS Specialist at the Harvard University Center for Geographic Analysis
Maaya Sato
Class of 2019
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