Glass Blowing

Glass Blowing

Instructor Statement

A graduate of Hartwick College, I attained a Bachelor of Arts degree with concentrations in both glass and sculpture in May 2011. I began my career as a glass artist studying at the Corning Museum of Glass in 2005. Since graduating Hartwick College, I have worked in multiple glass blowing studios, and most recently built a glass blowing studio of my very own.

Glass is my medium of choice because I am fascinated by the fluid movement of the material during the creation process. While blowing glass, a bright glow of light radiates from the medium in its molten state. The light captures my eyes and represents what I love most about glass, the bright fluidity of the medium when it is 2100 degrees hot.

Influences on my work may vary. Sometimes my focus is functionality, other times sculptural, and organic forms. The fact that glass is so versatile allows me to explore the medium in multiple ways. By changing the shape of the glass, the meaning and purpose of the glass object changes. I enjoy exploring these different shapes and how those shapes relate to its function. That is why I choose glass as my medium and why I create glass.

~ Crystal Postighone

Glass Blowing Tiles
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