Scholarly Activities Office Services


It is SUNY Oneonta's policy that all proposals submitted by faculty and staff to external funding agencies must be cleared through the University Grant Team for application through the Research Foundation of SUNY or the University Foundation, depending on the grantor and the nature of the proposal. Awards for proposals that have been submitted to external sponsors without assistance from the appropriate university office and without securing the appropriate administrative approvals may not be accepted by SUNY Oneonta (the official recipient of most awards).

This ensures that proposals are submitted in accordance with the university, SUNY and Research Foundation, and University Foundation policies.

Externally Funded Grant and Contract Policy

SUNY Oneonta Grants and Contracts Routing/Approval Form (PDF)

Fundraising and Solicitation Policy

Responsible Conduct of Research Policy

Human Subjects in Research Policy (Research, Grants and Contracts)

Animal Care and Use (Research, Grants and Contracts)

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