Having known what she wanted to do with her life before she finished high school, Grace Pastino arrived at SUNY Oneonta with a clear goal: to become a Registered Dietitian.
Pastino began her health and wellness journey at an early age by going on hikes and working out with her parents. When she was participating in high school athletics, she decided it was time to learn more about how to properly fuel her body, and she is building on that knowledge as a Dietetics major at SUNY Oneonta.
Why SUNY Oneonta?
I chose SUNY Oneonta because they have one of the best Dietetics programs in New York, let alone the country. I knew I wanted to study Dietetics because I'm very into fitness and athletics. I did track in high school and cheerleading, and I didn't know what food to eat. I did my own research, and I was really interested in the aspect of how nutrition can affect the body, so I looked up what jobs can help others with the knowledge of nutrition? It was dietetics – and I want to pursue this and help others.
About Dietetics
We're a close group. Dietetics is known for being like a family and we help each other out. For new students, I’d say have an open mind, don't be scared to reach out to other people for help and study a lot for the major because it's really hard. Definitely study extra hard and get the textbooks.
I am applying to the M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics Program here, and it starts two weeks after I graduate in May. I will complete my master’s and internship here online at home and finish in May 2026. Then I'll take my registered dietitian exam, and then I'll be a dietitian.
Eventually, I want to either open my own private practice and maybe help people with eating disorders or work at a hospital or for a sports team, like helping people with fitness and sports or something similar.
Favorite Classes
This semester, we got deeper into the nutrition aspect. In the previous years, it was mainly science and just the basics of nutrition. I'm in Advanced Nutrition now with Dr. Kirsten Hilpert, which is one of my favorite classes, as well as Medical Nutrition Therapy with Dr. Emily Riddle.
I also like the organic chemistry and biochemistry labs because they help you apply what you're learning in the lecture to the lab. The lectures and labs go hand in hand, so you learn a better perspective in the lab of what you're learning in the lecture.
My Activities
I work at Table Rock Fitness three or four times a week. I'm mainly busy with schoolwork, but it has given me a lot of connections with other people.
Since I work and I work out there, I also help people. When they learn I’m studying to become a registered dietician I’m asked, “What food should I be eating?” I give them advice because I'm studying that, but I let them know I’m not a registered dietitian yet. I help them with some information about how we digest things and everything else.
I love applying my major to the real world, and I'm just so eager to get out there! Over the summer, I worked as an assistant to the dietitian manager at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany and was a diet clerk at St. Peter’s. Dr. Kelly Martin introduced me to the dietitian manager, and she offered me the assistant position. I worked with nutrition data, shadowed dietitians and saw patients. Two weeks into that, I was offered the diet clerk position by the food service team, taking patients' orders and sending them meals.
Best Memories
I'd say freshman year when I took Introduction to Foods. It was our first time cooking in the class. We were all in the kitchen, and we didn't know what to do. We were so stressed, but we had a lot of fun making the food every week.
Each group would make a section of the theme. We did a breakfast theme and my group made huevos rancheros. I'll never forget this. And they were so good! I told my mom about it and she was so proud of me for learning how to cook and the benefits of the food we're making and eating. Making food with my group was a really fun memory.
What I’ll Remember Most About Oneonta
Definitely the professors. They're amazing here. Also, going to events like OH-Fest every year with friends in my major and getting close to them. It's always a blast.