History Faculty & Staff

Dr. Leon and Dr. Hendley with the Red Dragon mascot


William Ashbaugh

William B. Ashbaugh, PhD

Professor of History
42 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3328
Email: William.Ashbaugh@oneonta.edu

Dr. Ashbaugh received his Ph.D. in History from Temple University. Hired in 2001, he teaches the Second World War, East Asian history, the history of anime/manga, and U.S. foreign relations. He is currently researching the road to war of the United States from 1933-1941, writing a book about the Mobile Suit Gundam global phenomena with his Japanese colleague Dr. MIZUSHIMA Shintarō (Doshisha University), and serving on the editorial board of Mechademia: Second Arc, the leading journal of East Asian popular culture. He received both the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008) and the Susan Sutton Smith Prize for Academic Excellence (2010). In Fall 2010, Dr. Ashbaugh was a Fulbright Lecturer in Japan, teaching U.S. Diplomatic History at Doshisha University (Kyōto) and Kwansei Gakuin University (Nishinomiya).

Publications (2000-Present)

Journal Article

Co-author with Mizushima Shintarō, “‘Peace through Understanding’: Science Fiction Anime Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Criticizes U.S. Aggression.” Asia Journal of Global Studies 5, No. 2 (Summer 2013): 108-18.

Books Chapters

“Relations with Japan.” In A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt, edited by William D. Pederson, Blackwell Companions to American History, 612-35. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

“Relations with China and India.” In A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt, edited by William D. Pederson, Blackwell Companions to American History, 590-611. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2011.

“Contesting Traumatic War Narratives: Space Battleship Yamato and Mobile Suit Gundam.” In Imag(in)ing the War in Japan: Representing and Responding to Trauma in Postwar Literature and Film, edited by Mark Williams and David Stahl, 327-53. Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston: Brill, 2010.

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Global Medieval Life and Culture, Volume 3 of 3 Asia and Oceania, edited by Joyce E. Salisbury, 861-1024. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008.

Selected courses taught

Dr. Ashbaugh teaches the following upper division courses on a rotating schedule:

  • HISA 3567 - U.S. Foreign Relations to 1920
  • HISA 3556 - U.S. Foreign Relations since 1914
  • HISA 4533 - Cold War through Film
  • HISA 3517 - Second World War
  • HISW 4450 - Anime and Manga History
  • HISW 3452 - Modern China
  • HISW 3451 - Modern Japan
 William B. Ashbaugh, Books
E. Howard Ashford

E. Howard Ashford, PhD

Associate Professor of History
43 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3266
Email: Howard.Ashford@oneonta.edu


  • Ph.D. – Afro-American Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • M.A. – Afro-American Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • M.A. – History, Jackson State University
  • M.A. – Public Policy and Administration, Mississippi State University
  • B.S. – Accounting, Mississippi State University

Courses Taught:

  • Modern U.S. History from 1877
  • History of the U.S. in the Sixties
  • Slavery and Resistance
  • Jim Crow to Black Power
  • African Americans and Islam
  • History of Crime and Prisons
  • LGBTQ U.S. Communities of Color
  • Sports, Politics, and Social Justice



Mississippi Zion: The Struggle for Liberation in Attala County, 1865-1915 – University Press of Mississippi, 2022, Mississippi Zion | University Press of Mississippi (state.ms.us)


Freedom Courts: An Analysis of Black Women’s Divorce in Attala County During Mississippi’s Anti-Divorce Campaign, 1890–1940 - USAbroad: Journal of American History and Politics, 2021

Medical Messiahs: African American Women in Mississippi Medicine, 1900-1940 Journal of Health Science and Education, 2020.

Book Reviews

No Small Thing: The 1963 Mississippi Freedom Vote, William H. Lawson (2018), Journal of African American History, 2020.

Jim Crow Campus: Higher Education and the Struggle for a New Southern Social Order, Joy Ann Williamson-Lott (2018), Journal of Southern History, 2019.


  • Mississippi Historical Society Book of the Year Award
  • Thurgood Marshall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
  • Pillar Award
  • Richard Siegfried Junior Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence

FYI – Favorites

  • Book – Native Son
  • Movie – A Star is Born (1954)
  • TV Show – Falcon Crest
  • Food – Chicken Tikka Masla
  • Actor – Denzel Washington
  • Actress – Judy Garland and Angela Bassett
  • Song – You Can’t Hurry Love (The Supremes)
  • Singer– Aretha Franklin

Avitabile, Matthew

Matthew Avitabile, MA

Assistant Adjunct Professor of History
44 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3555
Email: Matthew.Avitabile@oneonta.edu

Mr. Avitabile received his MA in European History from the University of Albany.


  • Key to the Village of Schoharie, 2012
  • SUNY Oneonta’s Best and Brightest, Spring 2008
  • Crippen History Award, Spring 2007
  • Alice and Haverly Scholarship, 2006 - 2008
  • Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society, Fall 2007
  • >Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Spring 2007

Selected courses taught

HIST 2200 - Making of the Modern World

Thomas Beal

Thomas D. Beal, PhD

Assistant Professor of History
46 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3362
Email: Thomas.Beal@oneonta.edu

Thomas D. Beal was born into a working-class family with roots in the cattle farms, truck farms and textile factories of East Tennessee. Working as a butcher, vegetable truck driver and stockman, Beal completed the Honors History Program at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Professor Cathy Matson (now at the University of Delaware) directed his undergraduate thesis --an economic and social interpretation of Plymouth Plantation. Afterward, he accepted an invitation to study in the Department of History at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. At the University at Stony Brook he studied the history of Early America under Ned Landsman, Wilber Miller and completed a dissertation, entitled “Selling Gotham: The Retail Trade in New York City from the Public Market to Alexander T. Stewart’s Marble Palace, 1625 to 1860,” under the direction of the urban historian Eric E. Lampard. “Selling Gotham” focuses on the evolution of retailing from the public market to the private shop as a means to explore the economic and cultural transformations of New York City from its founding to 1865. In 2000, after teaching at SUNY Stony Brook, the Pennsylvania State University at University Park, Beal accepted a teaching post at SUNY Oneonta.

Publications (2000-Present)

Beal’s current research focuses on the intersection of crime/punishment and race in early nineteenth century New York City. At present, he is at work on two article-length projects. The first, explore the life, crime, and punishment of a New York City slave. The second uses criminal court records detailing cases of public sex to examine how black and white residents of New York City struggled to negotiate the end of slavery.

Editor, New York History: A Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association volume 97 (1 and 2).


“Editors’ Introduction,” co-author, New York History: A Quarterly Journal: 98.1 (published Winter 2017), 97.2 (published Spring 2016), 97.1 (published Winter 2016), 96.3-4 (published Summer/Fall 2015), and 96.2 (published Spring 2015)

Book Reviews

Jonathan Gill, Harlem: The Four Hundred Year History from Dutch Village to Capital of Black America (Grove Press, 2011) for The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Record, forthcoming.

Book Reviews Published in Choice: Current Reviews For Academic Libraries:

Richard F. Welch, King of the Bowery: Big Tim Sullivan, Tammany Hall, and New York City (Teaneck, NJ:Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2008). Reviewed February 2009.

Mark Goldman, City on the Edge: Buffalo, New York (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007). Reviewed July 2007.

Michael A. Lerner, Dry Manhattan: Prohibition in New York City (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007). Reviewed June 2007.

Peter N. Carroll and James D. Fernandez, Facing Fascism: New York and the Spanish Civil War (New York: New York University Press, 2007). Reviewed May 2007.


2016--State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Selected courses taught

Beal offers courses on urban, economic and cultural history. In addition to teaching a popular course A History of New York City, he regularly offers The City in American Culture, An Economic History of the United States to 1860, and a mini-term –with a field experience component—course Slave Rebellions in New York City. He also offers a seminar course Crime and Punishment in the Urban Atlantic (focusing on New York City and London, England). He also serves as the Department of History’s Internship Coordinator, and each spring and summer places students in historical societies, museums, libraries, and archives (for additional information on the internship program see the History Department's Internship Page.

  • HISA 3208 – The City in American Culture
  • HISA 4259 – Slave Rebellions in NYC
  • HISA 3260 – An Economic History of the United States to 1865
  • HISA 3283 – A History of New York City
  • HISA 4280 – Crime and Punishment in the Urban Atlantic
Timothy Duerden

Timothy Duerden, MA

Assistant Adjunct Professor of History
44 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3555
Email: Timothy.Duerden@oneonta.edu

Mr. Duerden received his MA in History from Temple University.

Publications (2000-Present)


Lewis Hine Photographer and American Progressive, McFarland Press, 2018.


Images of America, Delaware County. Charleston, SC. 2016. Co-author. Arcadia Publishing

Delaware County Historical Association, Hats Off: Notable Women of Delaware County, NY. Delhi, NY. 2016. Co-author.

A History of Delaware County, NY 1797-2007. Purple Mountain Press, 142 pages, illustrated. December 2007.

Selected courses taught

  • HIST 2200 - Making of the Modern World
  • HIST 2257 - ST: Introduction to Public History
Mette Harder in front of a plaque commemorating Tocqueville's travels in America

Mette Harder, PhD

Associate Professor of History
45 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3262
Email: Mette.Harder@oneonta.edu

Mette Harder received her PhD in History from the University of York, U.K. in 2010. She also studied at the University of Stirling, Scotland and at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France. She specializes on the history of the French Revolution and teaches classes on Enlightenment and Revolutionary Europe, the Napoleonic Empire, masculinities studies, and police history. Her research focuses on violence against parliamentary bodies and on parliamentary purges in the French Revolution, and on the struggles that new democracies and their leaders face.

Publications (2000-Present)


Life in Revolutionary France. Edited with Jennifer Ngaire Heuer. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.


"Habitual Terror and the Legislative Body in the Revolution." In "What the Revolution Means Today: Rethinking the French Revolutionary Terror", H-France Salon 11, no. 16 (2019): 1-15.

"'Robbers, Muddlers, Bastards, and Bankrupts?' A Collective Look at the Thermidorians." In "Becoming Revolutionaries: Papers in Honor of Timothy Tackett," H-France Salon 11, no. 1 (2019): 1-12.

“A Second Terror: The Purges of French Revolutionary Legislators after Thermidor.” In French Historical Studies 38, no. 1 (Winter 2015): 33-60.

“‘Elle n’a pas même épargné ses membres !’ Les épurations de la convention nationale entre 1793 et 1795.” In Annales historiques de la Révolution française 381, no. 3 "Les Conventionnels" (July-September 2015): 77-105.

With Marisa Linton. “Come and Dine: Deputies and the Dangers of Conspicuous Consumption in French Revolutionary Politics, 1789-95.” In European History Quarterly 45, no. 4 (2015): 615-637.


"La mémoire conventionnelle sous le Directoire: Un danger pour la République?" In Le Directoire: Forger la République, edited by Loris Chavanette, 117-137. Paris: CNRS, 2020.

"Survivre en milieu hostile? Les relations entre les députés exilés en Guyane, an III-VIII." In Déportations et Exils des Conventionnels, edited by François Antoine, Michel Biard, Philippe Bourdin, Hervé Leuwers and Côme Simien, 201-209. Paris: Société des études robespierristes, 2018.

“Entre mémoire et histoire: les ex-Conventionnels et les premiers historiens de la Révolution.” In L’écriture d’une expérience: Révolution, histoire et mémoires de conventionnels, edited by Michel Biard, Philippe Bourdin, Hervé Leuwers and Yoshiaki Ômi, 207-213. Paris: Société des études robespierristes, 2015.

Odious and vile names – Political character assassination and purging in the French Revolution.” In Character Assassination Throughout the Ages, edited by Martijn Icks and Eric Shiraev, 173-190. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

“Reacting to Revolution: The Political Career(s) of Jean-Lambert Tallien.” In Experiencing the French Revolution, edited by David Andress, 87-112. Oxford: Studies on Voltaire & the Eighteenth Century, 2013.

“Ex-Conventionnels versus Historians of the French Revolution.” In Historicising the French Revolution, edited by Carolina Armenteros; T.C.W. Blanning et al., 284-307. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.

Selected courses taught

  • HISA 3851 Americans in Paris, 1789-1968
  • HISE 3211 Kings and Philosophers: Europe 1648-1789
  • HISE 3212 French Revolution
  • HISE 3230 From Anarchism to Fascism
  • HISE/WMST 3240 Boys to Men: European Masculinities
  • HISE 3241 History of Police
  • HIST 4600 Historiographic Seminar (French Revolutionary Historiography)
  • HIST 4690 Research Seminar (Writing the French Revolution)
  • HISW 4545 Napoleon's World

Cover of the book Life in Revolutionary France
April Harder

April Harper, PhD

Professor of History; Department Chair
29A Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3596
Email: April.Harper@oneonta.edu

Dr. Harper received her PhD from the University of St Andrews, U.K. in 2003. She teaches and researches Medieval History, Gender & Social History and the History of Sexualities. She also offers courses on Roman History.

Publications (2000-Present)


Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook, edited by April Harper and Caroline Proctor. New York: Routledge, 2008.


"Punishing Adultery: Private Violence, Public Honor, Literature, and the Law," in The Haskins Society Journal 28 (2016): 167-184.

"The Image of the Female Healer in Western Vernacular Literature of the Middle Ages," in Social History of Medicine (2011) 24 (1): 108-124.


April Harper and Sally Dixon-Smith, "The Ties That Bind." In A Cultural History of Marriage in the Medieval Age (500-1450). Edited by Joanne Ferraro and Frederik Pedersen. London: Bloomsbury, 2019, 77-95.

“Silencing Queens.” In Pre-modern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers: Gender, Sex and Power in Popular Culture. Edited by Karl Alvestad, Janice North, and Ellie Woodacre. Palgrave, 2017.

"Bodies and sexuality." In A Cultural History of Women, volume 2. Edited by Linda Kalof, Ellen Pollak, Teresa Mangum, Kim Phillips, et al. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2012.

"Introduction." In Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook. Edited by April Harper and Caroline Proctor. New York: Routledge, 2008.

"'The food of love': illicit feasting, food imagery and adultery in old French literature." In Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook. Edited by April Harper and Caroline Proctor. New York: Routledge, 2008.


  • 2018 State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2012 Visiting Fellow University of Leicester – Department of Historical Studies
  • 2011 Visiting Fellow Harlaxton College
  • 2011 Awarded Alpern Foundation Award $5500
  • 2011 Awarded Coach of the Year - Upstate New York Collegiate Hockey League
  • 2009 National Residence Hall Honorary

Selected courses taught

  • HISE 3400 Achilles to Alexander – History of Ancient Greece
  • HISE 3402 Roman Civilization
  • HISE 3403 Early Middle Ages
  • HISE 3404 Central Middle Ages
  • HISE 3405 Late Middle Ages
  • HISE/WMST 3406 Medieval Sexuality
  • HISE 4409 The Middle Ages and the Movies
  • HISE 4410 Faith, Reason, and Medieval Society
  • HISE 4415 Medieval Medicine
  • HIST 1100 Investing the West to 1500
  • HIST 4690 Research Seminar: The Norman Conquest
April Harper, book
Matthew Hendley

Matthew Hendley, PhD

Professor of History
40 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3302
Email: Matthew.Hendley@oneonta.edu

Matthew Hendley finished his PhD in Modern British History at the University of Toronto in 1998. He first began teaching at SUNY Oneonta in 2001, and is a specialist in Modern British History (19th and 20th centuries) and British imperialism (with special reference to Hong Kong). He also teaches courses in Tudor Stuart England, Historiography, Western Civilization and the History of Canada. In Spring 2024 he will be teaching a new freshman seminar comparing the history of Jamaica and Ireland. Dr. Hendley’s original research interests included the political culture of early twentieth-century Britain with an emphasis on the intersection of gender with both popular imperialism and popular Conservatism. He also has a research interest in popular culture during the First and Second World Wars. Dr. Hendley was part of an editorial team which published Chronicling a Crisis: SUNY Oneonta’s Pandemic Diaries in 2023 by SUNY Press. This new book includes over 200 blog entries from students, faculty and staff to record their pandemic experiences between March 2020-June 2021 as well as analytical and historical chapters. In addition to editing duties, Dr. Hendley co-wrote chapters analyzing the blog themes and another comparing the blog project to the UK’s Mass Observation project between 1937-1985. He is also researching public housing and social reform in colonial Hong Kong under the regime of Governor Murray MacLehose between 1971-1982.

Publications (2000-Present)


Chronicling a Crisis: SUNY Oneonta’s Pandemic Diaries, edited by Ed Beck, Darren Chase, Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2023)

Organized Patriotism and the Crucible of War: Popular Imperialism in Britain, 1914-1932. (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012), 360 pp.

Imagining Globalization: Language, Identities and Boundaries edited by Ho Hon Leung, Matthew Hendley, Robert Compton and Brian Haley. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 251 pp.


“Cultural Mobilization and British Responses to Cultural Transfer in Total War: the Shakespeare Tercentenary of 1916”, First World War Studies [UK] Volume 3 No. 1, March 2012, pp. 25-49

“Tradition and Innovation in the Historiography of British Conservatism”, Canadian Journal of History. Volume XXXVII, No. 1. April 2002, pp. 83-93.

“Anti-Alienism and the Primrose League: The Externalization of the Postwar Crisis in Great Britain, 1918-32”, Albion, Volume 33, No. 2. Summer 2001, pp. 243-69.


“An Archive for All: Mass Observation as the Inspiration for the Blog and the Book” by Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor in Chronicling a Crisis: SUNY Oneonta’s Pandemic Diaries edited by Ed Beck, Darren Chase, Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2023), pp. 333-348

“Themes” by Darren Chase and Matthew Hendley in Chronicling a Crisis: SUNY Oneonta’s Pandemic Diaries edited by Ed Beck, Darren Chase, Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2023), pp. 357-376

“Prologue” by Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor in SUNY Chronicling a Crisis: SUNY Oneonta’s Pandemic Diaries edited by Ed Beck, Darren Chase, Matthew Hendley and Ann Traitor (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2023), pp. vii-xiii

"Conservative Women and the Primrose League’s Struggle for Survival, 1914-1932”, in Julie Gottlieb and Clarisse Berthezene (eds.) Rethinking Right-Wing Women: Women, Gender and the Conservative Party, 1880 to the Present Women, Gender and the Conservative Party, 1880 to the Present (Manchester University Press, 2018), pp. 66-88

“Politics and the Social Sphere: The Primrose League in the First World War” in David Gutzke (ed.) British Politics, Society and Empire: Essays in Modern British History in Honor of Trevor O. Lloyd. (New York and London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 113-41

“Imagining Globalization through Changes in Place”. Co-authored with Ho Hon Leung in Imagining Globalization: Language, Identities and Boundaries edited by Ho Hon Leung, Matthew Hendley, Robert Compton and Brian Haley. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 1-11.

“Citizens or Consumers? - British Conservative Political Propaganda toward Women in Two World Wars” in Imagining Globalization: Language, Identities and Boundaries edited by Ho Hon Leung, Matthew Hendley, Brian Haley and Robert Compton. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 127-142

“Women and the Nation: The Right and Projections of Feminized Political Images in Great Britain, 1900-1918” for The Culture of Fascism: Visions of the Far Right in Britain, co-edited by Julie Gottlieb and Thomas Linehan. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2004), pp. 13-26.

Encyclopedia entries & reviews

James Ciment and Thaddeus Russell (eds.) The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain and Canada in World Wars I and II. Volume One: World War I. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2007) Entries on “Andrew Bonar Law”, pp. 135-37; “David Lloyd George”, pp. 140-45; “Conscription (UK)”, pp. 271-274; “Conservative Party (UK)”, pp. 277-280.

Dr. Hendley has also published book reviews in The American Historical Review, Twentieth Century British History, The Journal of British Studies, Albion, Canadian Journal of History, H-Albion, The Historian, Australian Journal of Politics and History, and The Victorian Studies Association of Ontario Newsletter.


  • 2018 Susan Sutton Smith Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2007 Research and Scholarship Award, Research Foundation of the State University of New York
  • 2004 Richard Siegfried Prize for Academic Excellence

Selected courses taught

  • HISA 3873 – A History of Canada
  • HISE 3525 – Monarchs, Witches, & Heretics - Tudor & Stuart England, 1485-1714
  • HISE 3526 – Imperialism to the Beatles - Modern England 1714-Present
  • HISE 4520 – War and Society in Modern Britain
  • HISE 4534 – Ruling and Resisting Britannia - The British Empire From 1750-Present
  • HIST 4600 – Historiographic Seminar
  • HIST 4690 – Research Seminar
  • HISW 3436 - World Cities in the Imperial Age, 1840-Present
Matthew Hendley, books

Joseph Ingrassia, MA

Assistant Adjunct Professor of History
44 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3555
Email: Joseph.Ingrassia@oneonta.edu

Mr. Ingrassia received his MA in American History from SUNY Oneonta.

Selected courses taught

Miguel Leon

Miguel Leon, PhD

Associate Professor of History
58 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-2013
Email: Miguel.Leon@oneonta.edu

Miguel Leon received his PhD in history from Columbia University in 1999. His research interest focuses on early Colonial Latin American issues which include the study of the social and economic organization of Spanish-American and Andean populations before and after the Spanish conquest. This research interest has led him to analyze issues such as the encomienda system, the impact of the process of Christianization among the native populations, and the organization of the Church structure in the Viceroyalty of Peru. His historical analysis has emphasized an interdisciplinary approach to the past, especially in a dialogue with anthropological theory, which has been fruitful in the study of the Andean region. His research on early colonial Peru has been focused on an area of Peru called Huanuco, located in Northeastern Peru. He has conducted extensive research in Spanish and Peruvian archives. His current research focuses on a region called Conchucos, which is located in the northern highlands of Peru. He is writing a longue durée history – XVI-XX centuries – of this region, emphasizing its economic and political transformations. This project is both an immense challenge and, at the same time, a fascinating experience due the scope of the research and its significance for the region. Dr. Leon’s research will be used as a base to write textbooks on the history of the region that will disseminate his findings among students and the general population.

Publications (2000-Present)


Among Mountains and Gorges: A History of the Conchucos region, XVI-XX Centuries (Entre quebrada y montanas: Una Historia regional de Conchucos, Siglos XVI-XX), Tazea, 2018.

Miguel León, Francisco Pini and Julio Villanueva, Presencia de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo en el Callejón de Conchucos. (Presence of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo in the Callejón de Conchucos) Lima: Prelatura de Huari, 1994. See chapter two, Miguel León, El Sínodo de Piscobamba en la Historia de la Evangelización del Callejón de Conchucos. (The Synod of Piscobamba in the history of the Evangelization of the Callejon de Conchucos) pp.115-333. Miguel Leon, Francisco Pini and Julio Villanueva,. Lima: Prelatura de Huari, 1994. Second Edition, November 2008.

Paños e Hidalguía. Encomenderos y Sociedad Colonial en Huánuco. (Textiles and Honor. Encomenderos and Colonial Society in Huanuco). Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2002.


“Un extremeño en Conchucos: Juan Esteban Silvestre, Primer y Unico encomendero of Allaucahuari” Historia y Region, Volume I, Numero 1, October 2013, pp. 21-40.


“Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo y sus Visitas Pastorales” (Pastoral Inspections of Saint Toribio of Mogrovejo”, Anuario de Ancash, pp.150-173 Asociación Ancash, 2010. Second Reprint, 2011, 138-145.

“Espacio Geográfico de las Grupos Étnicos del Callejón de Conchucos” (Geographic Space of the Ethnic Groups of the Callejón de Conchucos). In Arqueología de Ancash. Lima: Instituto Cultural Runa, 2003, pp.340-359.

Encyclopedia entries & reviews:

“Salvador Allende”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, Supplement 2011, Volume I, pp.26-27

"Gustavo Gutierrez”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, Cengage Learning and The Catholic University of America, Supplement 2010, Volume I, 515-516.

“Church History in Latin America”, New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2009. 2 volumes. Detroit: Gale, 2009, I, 531-539.

“Peru, History Section” in World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. Also published in printed copy 2010.

Selected courses taught

  • HIST 2200 – The Making of the Modern World
  • HISW 4270 – Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
  • HISWxALS 3271 – Colonial Latin America
  • HISWxALS 3272 – Modern Latin America
  • HISW 4289 – Spanish Conquistadores
Entre Quebradas y montanas book cover leon
Miguel Leon, books
Yuriy Malikov

Yuriy Malikov, PhD

Associate Professor of History
47 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3364
Email: Yuriy.Malikov@oneonta.edu

Dr. Malikov received his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2006. He also studied at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. He teaches and researches Modern Russian, Central Asian and European History, the History of Empire, and Borderlands and Nationalism Studies.

Publications (2000-Present)


Tsars, Cossacks, and Nomads: The Formation of a Borderland Culture in Northern Kazakhstan in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2011)


“Chem Kazakhstan mozhet udivit’ amerikantsa?” (“What would an American Find Strange in Kazakhstan?”), Gorodskaia Nedelia, no. 31, August 11, 2010, p. 12.

“Reforma vysshei shkoly: Vzgliad iz-za okeana” (“Reformation of the University System [in Kazakhstan]: A Look from across the Ocean”), Zvezda Priirtysh’ia, no. 79, June 19, 2008, p. 5.

“The Kenesary Kasymov Rebellion (1837 – 1847): A National-Liberation Movement or a ‘Protest of Restoration’?” Nationalities Papers, volume 33, no. 4, December 2005, pp. 569-597.


"Disadvantaged Neophytes of the Privileged Religion: Why Did Not Kazakhs Become Christians?” in N. Pianciola, P. Sartori, eds., Religion and Society in Central Eurasia: Towards a Religious History of the Kazakh Steppe (16th-20th Centuries) (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2012)

Selected courses taught

  • HISE 3323 - History of Tsarist Russia
  • HISW 3324 - History of Soviet Russia
  • HISW 4327 - Muslim Rebels and the Russian Empire
  • HISW 4328 - History of Modern Central Asia
  • HIST 2200 - The Making of the Modern World
  • HIST 4600 - Historiographic Seminar on Historical Methods “Exploring Frontier History”
  • HIST 4690 - Research Seminar on Comparative Frontiers “Cossacks and Cowboys: Russian and American Frontiers in Comparative Perspective”
Yuriy Malikov, Book
Danny Noorlander

Danny Noorlander, PhD

Associate Professor of History
48 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3253
E-mail: Danny.Noorlander@oneonta.edu

Danny Noorlander received his Ph.D. from Georgetown University in 2011. After teaching for two years at Beloit College in Wisconsin, he accepted a position at SUNY Oneonta in 2013. He specializes in Dutch expansion, early New York history, colonial America, and the Atlantic world. In his current research, Dr. Noorlander is studying the music and poetry of Dutch New York, as well as the early slave trade.

Publications (2000-Present)


Heaven’s Wrath: The Protestant Reformation and the Dutch West India Company in the Atlantic World (Cornell University Press, 2019)

Unpublished (but nearly complete): The Lion and the Finch: A Musical History of the Atlantic Slave Trade


“Banishment, Penal Labor, and the Quest for Order in the Early Dutch Atlantic World.” Atlantic Studies (February 2023).

By invitation: “The Dutch Atlantic World, 1585-1815: Recent Themes and Developments in the Field.” History Compass 18, no. 8 (August 2020): 1-15.

"The Lost Poems of Jacob Steendam." New York History 100, no. 1 (Summer 2019).

"Revisiting the Tolerance Question: Calvinists and Their Competitors in New Netherland and the Dutch Atlantic World." De Halve Maen 91, no. 4 (Winter 2018-2019): 81-88.

"The Reformed Church and the Regulation of Religious Literature in the Early Dutch Atlantic World." Itinerario 42, no. 3 (December 2018): 375-402.

Awards and Grants

Winner of the New Netherland Institute’s 2023 Clague and Carol Van Slyke Article Prize (“Banishment, Penal Labor, and the Quest for Order”)

Winner of the New Netherland Institute’s annual Hendricks Award, 2021 (Heaven’s Wrath)

School of Liberal Arts “scholar of the year,” SUNY Oneonta, 2019-2020

Winner of the New Netherland Institute’s 2020 Clague and Carol Van Slyke Article Prize (“The Lost Poems of Jacob Steendam”)

Finalist for the 2017 Dixon Ryan Fox Prize, awarded by the Fenimore Art Museum for the best new book manuscript in New York History (Heaven’s Wrath)

NEH Summer Stipend, 2013

Dissertation was awarded the New Netherland Institute’s annual Hendricks Award, 2012: given to the best book-length manuscript on any aspect of the Dutch colonial experience in America

Named “Fellow of the New Netherland Institute,” 2012, for above-mentioned award

Fulbright Fellowship, 2008-2009

Selected Courses Taught

  • HISA 3366 – New York History
  • HISA 3140 – Colonial American History
  • HISA 3141 – The American Revolution
  • HISA 3100 – Gods and Devils of the Atlantic World
  • HISA 4104 – Sailors, Whalers, and Pirates
  • HISE 4648 – The Dutch Golden Age
  • HISW 3176 – The Atlantic Slave Trade
  • HIST 4690 – Senior Seminar (New Netherland)

Cover of Heaven's Wrath

Ann Traitor, MA

Assistant Adjunct Professor of History
43 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3266
Email: Ann.Traitor@oneonta.edu

Ms. Traitor received her MA in History from Binghamton University.


2003 - Simphiwe Hlatswayo Award for Outstanding Part-time Instructor

Selected courses taught

HIST 2200 - Making of the Modern World

Matthew Unangst

Matthew Unangst, PhD

Assistant Professor of History

49 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3490
E-mail: Matthew.Unangst@oneonta.edu

Hi, I'm Dr. Matt Unangst and I've been a member of the history department here at SUNY Oneonta since August 2021. In my research, I look at how colonialism in today's Tanzania functioned and continues to shape the world to this day. My book Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905 looks at how ideas about race shaped German plans for economic development, and at how Africans accommodated, evaded, and resisted those plans. My new project explores the legacies of German colonialism in Tanzania. I'm researching how people in Tanzania, West Germany, and East Germany tried to make sense of German East Africa's history and shape it to fit their own political goals.

I teach classes in world, European, and African history. When I'm not teaching, writing, or thinking about history, I like to make elaborate foods, play board and computer games, play basketball, hike, and ride my bicycle (I do often think about history while I'm doing these other things, too). I look forward to meeting you. Please feel free to stop in at my office and say hi!


Colonial Geography: German Colonialism, Race, and Space in East Africa, 1884-1905 (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2022).

Articles and Book Chapters

"Mapping Empire," in Staging Authority, ed. Eva Giloi, Martin Kohlrausch, Heikki Lempa, Heidi Mehrens, and Philipp Nielsen (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022), 303-337.

"Hinterland: The Political History of a Geographic Category from German Colonialism to Afro-Asian Solidarity," Journal of Global History, published First View, print volume forthcoming.

"Manufacturing Crisis: Anti-slavery 'Humanitarianism' and Imperialism in East Africa, 1888-1890," Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 48, no. 5 (December 2020): 805-825.

Emin Pasha and the German Imagination of the Heart of Darkness," in After the Imperialist Imagination: 25 Years of Research on Global Germany and Its Legacies, eds. Sara Pugach, David Pizzo, and Adam Blackler (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2020), 73-87.

"Re-Inventing the Heart of Darkness for the 21st Century: African Studies and the War on Terror since 9/11," in 9/11 and the Academy: Responses in the Liberal Arts and the 21st-Century World, ed. Mark Finney and Matt Shannon (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 213-242.

"Men of Science and of Action: The Celebrity of Explorers and German National Identity, 1870-1895" Central European History 50, no. 3 (September 2017): 305-327.

Selected Courses Taught:

  • HIST/ALS 2504 - Introduction to African History
  • HISE 3214 - Europe from Napoleon to WWI
  • HISE 4135 - History of the Holocaust
  • HISW 4106 - Nation and Race


Deanna Meadowcroft '99

Administrative Assistant I
61 Bacon Hall
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3326
Email: deanna.meadowcroft@oneonta.edu

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