An internship is designed to supplement the academic learning process with "real-world" training. Internships are a great way to explore various career options, enhance your resume, build your professional network, secure job references and, in some cases, lead to full-time employment. Students can also earn academic credit while completing an internship. The information on this website explains the process for credit-bearing internships. Students seeking work experience without earning college credit are encouraged to contact the Internship Coordinator at the Career Planning and Networking Center in 128 Hunt Union.
To apply for an internship, students must have at least junior status (56 semester hours), 2.5 overall and major GPA, and completed 12 semester hours of prerequisite coursework. For a business internship (BUS 3397), the coursework includes ACCT 2100, FINC 3231, MGMT 2241 and MKTG 2261. For accounting internship (ACCT 3397), students must have completed a minimum of 12 s.h. of accounting courses and for economics internship (ECON 3397), 12 s.h. of coursework in economics.
Credits Earned and Grading
A maximum of 16 semester hours of internship credit may be applied towards the undergraduate degree. Up to 12 credits can be earned during a single summer and 15 credits during the spring or fall semester. An internship cannot cause a course overload in the student’s schedule (no more than 18 s.h. can be taken in the semester when the student is enrolled in an internship). The internship credits count as upper division electives. They do not count as liberal arts credits. For-credit internships are offered during the spring, summer and fall semesters. Students are responsible for tuition, as with any other course taken on campus. All internships are graded pass/fail.
What does an Internship Involve?
The requirements of an internship include 40 hours of internship work for each semester hour of college credit, a paper summarizing the internship experience and weekly progress reports emailed to the Business Internship Coordinator. The Business Internship Coordinator visits each intern on site. The on-site supervisor completes an evaluation form. The work schedule is agreed upon between the on-site supervisor and the student. It can be full-time or pro-rated throughout the semester.
The Internship Placements
The Business Internship Coordinator will assist each student who wishes to earn academic credit for an internship with securing a placement, but the responsibility for securing a placement rests ultimately with the student. The first step in obtaining a placement should be a meeting with the Business Internship Coordinator. Please bring your advisement document (the “arrow sheet”) and a draft resume. Students are encouraged to attend the internship fairs organized by the Career Planning and Networking Center and check out the listings on Handshake. If a student obtains a placement through their own networking, the Business Internship Coordinator will evaluate each placement before the course enrollment to determine whether granting college credit will be appropriate. Internships can be either paid or unpaid. No internship credit can be granted retroactively for work already completed.
Recent Placements
Our students work in all kinds of settings: for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies. Internships can be either paid or unpaid. Most students complete their internships locally during the fall and spring semesters and prefer to work near their home during the summer. To facilitate the internship search for students who live in the NYC metropolitan area, SUNY Oneonta organizes an internship fair in Manhattan in January.
For more information please contact the Business Internship Coordinator at
The following are some of the organizations who have participated in our internship program recently:
ABM Industries
American Capital Partners LLC
Bank of New York
City of Oneonta Recreation Dept.
FTG Rentals
Ioxus, Inc.
NYS Small Business Development Center
Peachin Group LLC
SUNY Oneonta Finance & Administration
Sweet Home Productions
A. O. Fox Foundation
Arc Otsego
Bassett Healthcare
Colone & Associates
Herring Sanitation
NYS Council of Non-Profits
Opportunities for Otsego
Ray Holohan CPA
SUNY Oneonta Foundation
West Kortright Centre